Tuesday, October 4, 2016

“Why worry? If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it any better.” - Walt Disney

Today was another magical day in the life of Taylor Marie. I woke up early with my big sister by my side (she's seriously such a great support system) and headed to Bountiful, Utah where I was able to attend my second character performer audition for the Disney College Program. I was so nervous that I wouldn't make it to the second cut. I was auditioning with so many beautiful and talented people that I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. I came at around 9:45 and was already #51which was crazy since my last audition I came at 10 and was #52. We started a little early because so many people were there by 10. I believe it was about 10:17 when we began.

From there we split into two groups. I, again, was in the second group. Its in my opinion the better of the two groups to be in because in the second group you have more of a chance to get to know the people that you are going to be auditioning with.

After the first group learned the dance they took a break while my group went into the dance studio and leaned the parade march. It was a pretty simple march that I swear was the same as the one I learned last March. The only difference was that it was done to a different song. It was a simple four count march and four count skip with a pivot step in between. We did eight counts of animation as well. As usual, we did our animation as if we were on a parade float.

From there they did a cut. They kept a decent amount of people and I was over joyed when they called my number. They then did measurements and took our head-shots. We also filled out a basic information sheet that asked about the program we were applying for and any past experience we had with the company.

After that small cool down the tough work began. They separated the boys and the girls. I loved our choreographer. She reminded me of my cousin Jamie. She made me (and all of us) feel so good about our talent (or in my case, lack of).  She kept reminding us that talent didn't make a performer, but heart did. She then taught us a sassy and fun dance with a few complicated dance combination. It took us about 2 hours to learn the dance and work on animation. For our final animation we portrayed ourselves as villains for eight counts and then for another eight counts we became the creation of the villain. I had so much fun with the animation and loved getting the chance to be someone other than myself for a little while.

We had 4 casting directors but only one that I recognized. Kent, is so awesome, he is SO fun and reminds me to love what I do. There were two that were choreographers and they were both so fun and talented! I felt so untalented next to their skilled dancing. There was one other lady who I am not really sure what she was doing per say, but I do know she was apart of the process and that is all that really matters.

After we split into groups of 5 and did the dance for Kent they let us go. They gave us all a sheet of paper and let us know that we would know final results no later than November 18th. I am hopeful to hear results and haven't lost the faith. I know that no matter what happens its all apart of the plan for me and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to audition for such an amazing company. I'll be sure to keep you all updated!

Before Photo!

After Photo! (Ignore the running eye make-up)

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